How did my mom do this??

I am getting ready for an excursion to Church Camp. I love this time of year it is my 10 days or so to reset my life. Take inventory of my emotional needs and shut off my brain.

This year will be a little different because I am also using this as a test run to see how not being at home will go for blog posts and photography. I have only shared a little of what I eventually want Tripping Vittles to be because in my head I have not figured how I want to lay it all out but some of it will be Travel. When I say Travel I mean all kinds will I get on a plane and fly somewhere sure but I want to meet people and talk to people so a vast majority of what I want to do will be done on the road ways of America. How to organize this and plan it all out is now a work in progress. Hopefully in 10 days it will be a little clearer.

I am panicked and running out of time to do what I need to do. Pack the coolers, organize clothing. Do I have all the camping stuff?? How much OFF do I need so I don’t get the Zika. Is one bag of Chicago Popcorn mix enough? Did I pack underwear. Costco muffins are awesome! Do I really need ketchup if I have pickapeper sauce??  Guacamole or salsa or both!! I think you get the idea.

As I was preparing I kept thinking about when I was a kid and we would got to the Mountains(Rockies) every summer camping.  HOW DID MY MOM DO THIS??  My house is a mess I am sure I have forgotten somethings and bought way to much of other. My mom did this all without effort. we packed up the car and got on the road at midnight. I never remember her running around crazy, she always seemed to be so organized. I think I am going to take mom on a Tripping Vittles trip so she can let me in on her secret of being so cool before a major road trip.

Off I go to finish all my preparation wishing my mom was here to help me!!