
 Resources for Blogging 


I am regularly asked for the resources I have used to start and maintain my blog. I have decided to compile a list of those things that got me started and help me maintain what I am doing.

The resources on this page are tried and true for me personally. They may work for you too.

Every Item I have on this page or that I suggest in my blog I have used. Of course, I will not suggest something just for suggestion’s sake.

This page contains affiliate links. That means I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

Starting a Blog

The first thing when starting a blog is coming up with a name and seeing if the .com is available. I used this simple tool to do so. It is a domain checker. You can enter your name into the checker and see if it is available. If it is you can head right to Bluehost and purchase the domain.


As you can probably already tell I used Bluehost to get up and running. Once I found that the name of my site was available I went ahead and purchased both the name and the hosting from Bluehost. You can always use other hosting like GoDaddy. I just found it was a super easy platform and the price has always been right from Bluehost. Then you can start your blog right on WordPress.

Resources for Travel