So Much Excitement

I have not written in a very long time. There is So Much Excitement happening with Tripping Vittles I am not sure where to start.

A long time ago in a galaxy Far Far away………….

Ok that is another story!

So Much Excitement

  •  A few months ago this story took a twist in that I found a web designer who I liked and trusted to get my message across thru what you will see visually along with my writing.  A new Tripping Vittles page is now on the horizon.
  • I met some wonderful people from a local Heritage Pork producer Tier 3 Heritage Products who sped up my timeline and how I wanted to get my spices out to the public.  Thru their encouragement I started with a Pork Rub.
  • Because of that great opportunity I have also decided to add a shop to my web page so eventually people will be able to buy my products from all over right from my website.
  • Locally I have started to sell my product in pop ups and bazaars around town. My dream is to have one day a small shop to run my business out of so I can actually get my second bedroom back from the homegrown business gods. Never give up on your dream!
  • I  have had this little thing on Instagram called Sunday Morning Coffee Quotes and I am working on some apparel using some wonderfully inspirational food, travel, love and life quotes.
  • Lastly and this is exciting but will not come until after the web page is set but I am working on a travel app. It is exciting and overwhelming and takes money but It is all part of what I want Tripping Vittles to become.

Thank You

There are some very special people in my life who have encouraged me to follow my dreams. Most of them don’t want any recognition in this but I want them to know without them I could not have had the courage to tackle this. I hope all of you understand how much I love you.

I want to take the time to also thank all the amazing friends I have on Facebook who are always there to answer a question I throw out. My Facebook community has helped name 3 of my spices and have taught me all kinds of little tricks having to do with business and the internet.

Guest Writers

I am excited to share that I have started to work with a few guest writers that will take some of the burden from me in having to write everything.  I have talked to people who have so much more knowledge and skill than I do all so my readers get some really amazing writing and knowledge.  So keep your eyes open for new content from some new people.